ASO Academy

WWDC22 and ASA Changes

June 1st, 2022

WWDC22 and ASA Changes
David Bell

by David Bell

CEO at Gummicube, Inc.

It’s WWDC time, and the speculation and rumors are brewing among iOS developers. In just a few weeks, many of them will see what the next frontier of Apple will look like. Users, marketers and developers will get first-hand exposure to new features, devices, capabilities and who knows what else?

But what is WWDC? Why are iOS developers teeming with excitement? Better yet, what can developers expect now as WWDC approaches? In this week’s ASO Academy, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the changes we’re already seeing already, and what users and developers can expect at this year's WWDC22.

Many of the changes can affect your current App Store Optimization strategy, so stay tuned to find out more.

WWDC22 – The Mecca of Apple Devs and Users

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, or more commonly referred to as WWDC, is an annual conference held by Apple each year. During these conferences, both users and iOS developers get an inside look into new product releases and features.

Rumors suggest that this year’s WWDC will bring new technologies like AR, iOS 16, improvements to iOS, iPadOS, and a newly designed Macbook Air. Users and developers are on the edge of their seats as Apple teases never-seen-before releases. What can developers expect from WWDC22?

iOS 16 Update – While the changes to the developer side of things aren’t as apparent yet, iOS 16 will bring new user features like Always-On display for select iOS devices. There have also been reports of new design changes to iMessage and wallpaper formats.

New Apple Products – As exciting as new AR hardware or a new Macbook Pro would be, these are just rumors for now. However, Apple could showcase a new Macbook Air, an upcoming M2 chip, HomePod, and a new watch OS update.

As WWDC22 approaches, our ASO company will closely monitor any changes that may affect your ASO strategy.

The Latest Changes to Apple Search Ads (ASA) – What You Need to Know

The Switch from CPM to CPT

The changes coming about with WWDC22 are incredibly exciting, and we may only be seeing the surface of it for now. For developers, there are massive changes taking place on the App Store already – more specifically changes to Apple Search Ads.

On May 31st, Apple announced that it will be changing its cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) pricing structure to a cost-per-tap (CPT) pricing structure. Now, developers will be able to book search tab CPT, enabling them to only pay when a user taps on their ad. In the end, this saves developers time, money and resources to help drive better campaign results.

How can you prepare? Here are some fast facts you need to know:

- During the transition period from CPM to CPT, your CPM campaign will continue to run as you make the switch

- When the transition is finally made, the CPT campaigns will run and the CPM campaigns will go on hold, so there’s no time gap between the transition

- Apple will notify developers when they can start booking CPT to make the transition as smooth as possible, without interruptions

During this time, it’s important for all developers to use the right ASO technology to make sure that their new paid strategy is in good shape to account for this change.

Switching to Daily Budget

Apple announced that they will be switching to using daily budget for current and new paid search campaigns. The daily budget allows developers to set the average amount you want to spend on your campaign each day over the month. This new change is similar to Google Play.

Apple states:

“With this new setting, on days with opportunities to get more downloads, your spend may exceed your daily budget. But your monthly spend won’t be more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a calendar month — which is calculated as 30.4 days”

This is a drastic new change but, what does this spell for current campaigns? According to Apple, all existing campaigns can switch between daily budget and the current lifetime budget set in place. However, all new campaigns will use daily budget moving forward after the transition has been made.


We are just 5 days away from the first day of WWDC22. On June 6th, we’ll finally see what the AR Memoji card packs have been all about, whether Apple will unveil a new Macbook Pro, and of course, monitor any new changes to the App Store.

For now, developers must be aware of the changes currently taking place in the App Store to prepare for what’s to come. With the changes to ASA there is much to be excited about, but knowing how to adapt them is equally important to improve your growth over time.

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