App Store Spotlight - BeReal Social Media App

August 8th, 2022

App Store Spotlight - BeReal Social Media App
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Social media apps around the world have struggled with the premise of authenticity. Headline after headline, social media apps like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok have largely come under the fists of negative public opinion. Reports of declining mental health stemming from their use called for a new, fresher take on social media – in came the BeReal app to answer the call.

By design, the BeReal app is inviting and democratizes the social media space with its anti-social media, social media approach. No filters, no social propagating algorithm – just your close ones without interruptions in 2 minute moments.

The new social media app taking Gen Z by storm clearly cuts against the status quo, but how can it reach more users? App Store Optimization (ASO) can help BeReal be more competitive in the app stores outside of its word-of-mouth success.

What is App Store Optimization (ASO)?

App Store Optimization, or ASO for short, is a process in which an app can rank for relevant keywords to increase downloads from a more suitable audience. By using the right ASO tools & technology, ASO is a growth strategy that

Organic app store growth is difficult to achieve – let alone sustain. Competition, user behaviors, and app store algorithms shift constantly – making it difficult for developers to nail down a growth strategy that accounts for these changes. Optimizing your app metadata, creatives, and paid mobile user acquisition can help.

App Metadata – The BeReal App

App metadata and keyword optimization are one of the most foundational building blocks of organic app marketing in the stores. The better you target relevant terms over a period of time, the better your growth on the app stores will be.

App Title

The social media category can be quite difficult to penetrate organically. Unlike many other apps, BeReal has seen larger than average word-of-mouth marketing success. For that reason, its branded title can be particularly effective for new users looking for the app name specifically.

Right off the bat, users see the keywords “friends” and “real” which make for a powerful marketing association. The title tag is well balanced, but every developer must remember that the title and subtitle/short description work together to increase visibility on the app stores.

App Subtitle & Short Description

BeReal harnesses the power of the subtitle in its unique brand by stating it is “Not another social network.”. While it may not be, it certainly targets the keyword. The iOS subtitle and Google Play short description are both vital areas for indexation. While they vary in how the indexation process takes place, keywords placed in these fields are among the most heavily weighed out of all the fields.

Subtitle iOS:

“Not another social network.”

Short Description Google Play:

“Be in touch with all your friends everyday spontaneously and unpredictably.”

While these taglines are highly branded and carry the essence of BeReal’s core value proposition, they lack keywords that would increase their chances of discoverability. Repeat keywords or non-categorical keyword phrases likely have low traffic and volume. Even adding keywords related to “social” will help users draw the distinction between other competitors and the unique app differentiator.

App Creative Set – BeReal App

Whether they’re screenshots, feature videos, or your app store icon, a creative set is a vital part of conversion optimization. Our ASO Company has found that screenshots are an integral part of the ASO process. BeReal currently uses some ASO best practices for screenshots but does have a few areas for improvement.

App Store Screenshots

The screenshot set is all vertical using some App Store Optimization best practices like having visual copy, use of handset, and emphasized UI to catch the users’ attention. While these design elements are crucial to have, BeReal’s screenshot set isn’t necessarily friendly to both light and dark mode Android and iPhone browsing.

While this is a small detail, it makes a tremendous difference in conversion potential. As of 2021, It’s reported that over 80% of users have dark mode on vs. light mode, so making sure your app stands the test of “light” is essential.

Compared to other competitors in the space, it pays to have a creative set that has the ability to convert despite variances in light and dark mode browsing.

Bonus Tip: App Store Video

One of the most foundational steps in App Store Optimization, especially in the beginning stages of growth, is competitive research. Our ASO company experts have found that social media apps are increasingly using feature videos in their creative set to capture users.

BeReal could use this opportunity to showcase its unique in-app experience to new users. App preview videos are a great way to showcase novel concepts that people may be unfamiliar with. It also gives them a “slice of life” experience so the user may not be so reluctant in the beginning stages of use.


BeReal is the social media game-changer of the century. Straying from the status quo is never an easy feat, and BeReal’s initial success is one out of a million. To maintain its competitive and cutting-edge notoriety, ASO is essential. With these ASO best practices, BeReal can effectively engage and attract new users to its platform.

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