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App Marketing for Chat Bot Apps

App Marketing for Chat Bot Apps

Posted on January 4th, 2020

Chat bots and virtual assistants are helpful applications that can serve a wide number of purposes. From helping direct customers to friendly conversations with users, they’re utilized in several fields and in many ways. Chat bot and virtual assistant apps must therefore use App Store Optimization strategies that target the right users, drive conversions and help them stay competitive on the App Store and Google Play Store. With that in mind, here are several ASO strategies that chat bot app developers should know when designing their app marketing.

App Store Optimization for Sports Apps

App Store Optimization for Sports Apps

Posted on December 12th, 2019

Updating apps to align with shifting user interests can help an app succeed. This can be seen with sports apps, where the apps need to update based on what sport is in season. A sports app that still calls out hockey information during baseball season may not see the maximum potential conversions. App Store Optimization can help apps grow during any season, but this requires consistent updates to keep up with trends.

App Store Reviews: Why Replying Matters

App Store Reviews: Why Replying Matters

Posted on December 7th, 2019

Reaching and converting users is an important aspect of App Store Optimization, but retaining them is just as important. When users leave app store reviews, properly responding can make the difference between retaining users (as well as potentially converting new ones) and losing them. Developers should understand the best practices for responding to app store reviews and how it can make a difference.

ASO for Local City Apps

ASO for Local City Apps

Posted on November 16th, 2019

The app market is global, but not all apps are meant for users worldwide. Some apps are designed for specific countries, states or even individual cities. When an app targets a smaller market, it’s especially important that it can reach and convert users from that region. That’s why App Store Optimization is important for apps built for users in a specific city.

Apple Error Reports Inaccurate Deletion Data

Apple Error Reports Inaccurate Deletion Data

Posted on November 9th, 2019

Your app’s install and uninstall rates are critical metrics to understand, and can help shape your development and App Store Optimization strategies. High uninstall rates from App Store Connect should be red flags to developers that something is wrong with a release, such as a retention issue or a bug causing users to delete the app.

Halloween App Store Optimization: How Seasonality Lead to Success

Halloween App Store Optimization: How Seasonality Lead to Success

Posted on November 1st, 2019

Now that it’s Halloween, the App Store and Google Play Store are showcasing apps designed or updated for the holiday. We’ve stressed the importance of seasonality, and this is where seasonal updates for Halloween pay off. What apps built App Store Optimization strategies for Halloween and how well did they succeed? Here’s how Halloween seasonality benefited them.

Fall Seasonality for ASO

Fall Seasonality for ASO

Posted on October 26th, 2019

As the seasons change, so do user interests and searches. Certain terms will grow or wane in popularity, presenting new opportunities for app developers to improve their App Store Optimization. Now that Halloween is almost over, it’s time for developers to think about the next steps for including seasonality in their ASO strategies.

Swipe Keyboards and iOS 13: How Apps Can Stay Competitive

Swipe Keyboards and iOS 13: How Apps Can Stay Competitive

Posted on October 3rd, 2019

Often times, new operating systems introduce built-in functions that threaten to make third party apps redundant. For instance, Apple’s own features have been in competition with screen time and parental control apps. Now, swipe keyboard apps may have a similar concern, as iOS 13 has added its own swipe to type functionality. Fortunately, such apps can utilize App Store Optimization to remain competitive as an alternative to Apple’s built-in functionality.

Apple Adds Subscription Billing Grace Period

Apple Adds Subscription Billing Grace Period

Posted on September 21st, 2019

App subscriptions can be a great source of income for the developers, especially when the subscriptions automatically renew. However, there are instances where a user cannot pay on the exact date of renewal, whether it’s due to credit card issues or a temporary lack of funds. While this previously would have resulted in a sudden cancelation, Apple is adding a “grace period” for subscribers, which can help subscription apps keep their retention and engagement high.

Promote iOS In-App Purchases & Free Trials on the App Store

Promote iOS In-App Purchases & Free Trials on the App Store

Posted on September 19th, 2019

In-app purchases don’t necessarily need to happen directly from the app. Apple allows users to make purchases from within the App Store, which can then be instantly applied to the app. Because of that, developers can promote their in-app purchases, free trials and promotions on the App Store page, as well as tabs like Today, Games and Apps.

Optimize Your App’s Screenshots After Updates

Optimize Your App’s Screenshots After Updates

Posted on August 29th, 2019

Screenshots are one of the most crucial components for conversion. When a user discovers your app on the App Store and Play Store, you’ll want to make a strong impression. Users typically spend 2-3 seconds on a single search result before they either download or move on.

How App Ratings Impact Downloads

How App Ratings Impact Downloads

Posted on August 24th, 2019

After all the time and energy developers spend on creating their apps, a positive rating and review can be a welcome sight. They can signal to the developer that their hard work has paid off, and they’ve created something users are liking. Ratings are for more than just a developer, though – they also signal to both users and the stores if an app is worth their attention. As such, app ratings can impact downloads and App Store Optimization in several ways.