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App Keywords: Choosing the Right Keywords for Your ASO

App Keywords: Choosing the Right Keywords for Your ASO

Posted on August 27th, 2020

Your app keywords will determine how users find your app. If you want to be discovered, you need to choose your keywords wisely. But where does one even begin? How do you know what keywords will help your app the most?

ASO Best Practices: The Importance of Iteration

ASO Best Practices: The Importance of Iteration

Posted on August 20th, 2020

App Store Optimization is an ongoing process. If you want to maintain consistent downloads and high keyword rankings, you need to continue striving to improve. This makes iteration one of the ASO Best Practices that can help apps compete as time goes by and trends change.

App Clips and App Store Optimization

App Clips and App Store Optimization

Posted on June 30th, 2020

When Apple announced App Clips at WWDC 2020, it was described as a new means to improve app discovery and usage. With more information about App Clips coming out, we can learn how they do that and how developers can utilize them to improve conversions.

App Screenshot Text - ASO Best Practices

App Screenshot Text - ASO Best Practices

Posted on June 6th, 2020

Do you want your app screenshots to stand out? Do you want to engage with users from the very first image and get them to install your app?

App Descriptions Best Practices

App Descriptions Best Practices

Posted on May 7th, 2020

App descriptions are essential for App Store Optimization and conversions. They tell users what an app has to offer, why they should download it and how it can help them. Additionally, they provide valuable data to the App Store and Google Play Store that can be used for paid campaigns and indexation. If you want to create app descriptions that can help improve conversions and help with your App Store Optimization, here are some best practices to follow.

Google Play Short Description ASO Best Practices

Google Play Short Description ASO Best Practices

Posted on May 5th, 2020

The Google Play Short Description provides users with a quick introduction to your app. While the Long Description can delve into specifics of app features, the Short Description needs to be more concise. With that in mind, let’s examine how the Google Play Short Description helps with App Store Optimization and the best practices for writing one.

App Store Promotional Text ASO Best Practices

App Store Promotional Text ASO Best Practices

Posted on May 2nd, 2020

App Store Promotional Text, which was introduced in 2017 with the release of iOS 11, is a unique feature of the iOS App Store. While it is displayed to users as part of the description, it is a separate section from the description on App Store Connect. It’s not indexed for keywords, but still plays an important role in App Store Optimization. Let’s take a look at the App Store Promotional Text and see how it can best be used for App Store Optimization.

Google Play Screenshot Guidelines & Best Practices

Google Play Screenshot Guidelines & Best Practices

Posted on April 28th, 2020

Google Play screenshot sets are important aspects of App Store Optimization for the Play Store. As the Play Store changes, one must reevaluate what the screenshot best practices and examples are to ensure the app continues to draw clicks and convert users.

Spring Seasonality for App Store Optimization

Spring Seasonality for App Store Optimization

Posted on April 10th, 2020

App Store Optimization requires updating to keep an app relevant, including seasonal updates. With spring starting soon, it’s important for app developers to see if there are any seasonal changes or events that they should update their apps and ASO to account for. Here are several ways that apps can update for springtime events to help them remain relevant as the seasons turn.

App Store Optimization for Homework Apps

App Store Optimization for Homework Apps

Posted on April 4th, 2020

App Store Optimization is important for apps of all types, from educational apps to mobile games. With schools having teachers instruct remotely and many closing down for a month or longer, mobile apps can help educators assign homework and students complete their assignments. Continuing with their theme of featuring apps that can be used while users are sheltered in place, Apple just featured a list of apps for helping with homework. This makes it a good time to understand how homework apps can utilize App Store Optimization.

App Store Video Guidelines: How Apple and Google are Different

App Store Video Guidelines: How Apple and Google are Different

Posted on March 27th, 2020

An App Store Video is a creative asset for most mobile apps and games that can provide a look at the app in action, making it an important part of App Store Optimization. The video should be carefully designed to demonstrate the app and its features in an engaging manner, which may require creating different videos for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It’s important to understand the different rules and guidelines for each store when designing an app video.

App Store Optimization for Telecommuting Apps

App Store Optimization for Telecommuting Apps

Posted on March 14th, 2020

There are apps out there for nearly every purpose, and all of them can benefit from App Store Optimization. As workers and companies look into telecommuting options that enable them to work from home or on the go, apps offering such capabilities should examine their App Store Optimization to ensure they’re reaching and converting the optimal number of users. Here are some ASO tips for telecommuting apps.