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January 2017 Search Ads - What Will be Popular?

January 2017 Search Ads - What Will be Popular?

Posted on January 11th, 2017

Search Ads may seem straightforward at first blush – Just target a highly searched term, bid higher than the competitors and watch your app take off. In reality, placing a successful Search Ad is more complex. In order to have the best possible Search Ad, you must meld your advertising strategy with your ASO strategy. You should also take into consideration how your iOS screenshots, title and icon will display in your Search Ad. Even with an optimized listing, your Search Ad means nothing if it doesn’t place your app in front of numerous new users. For this reason, your Search Ad strategy must constantly evolve, just as your keyword and creative strategies likely have in the past. Make an active attempt to stay on top of all relevant, popular search terms that you can, and jettison old ads that are no longer converting for your app. Below, we will take a look at several trends that will impact popular Search Ads over the first month of 2017.

Conversion Optimization - Why It Matters for ASO

Conversion Optimization - Why It Matters for ASO

Posted on May 23rd, 2016

While optimizing your app’s keywords, title and short description is vital for growing your visibility organically, all the visitors in the world mean nothing if they don’t download your app. The goal of a conversion strategy is just that - to make a higher percentage of visitors hit that “Get” button. Optimizing for conversion is a vital part of a successful App Store Optimization strategy, yet it’s frequently overlooked in favor of emphasizing keywords and title. We’ve all seen apps that stuff as many keywords as possible into their titles and descriptions, and while those apps may rank for trending terms, their muddled language and inconsistent callouts do them no favors when it comes to getting users to convert.

App Store Screenshots - Which Orientation Should My App's Screenshots Be?

App Store Screenshots - Which Orientation Should My App's Screenshots Be?

Posted on May 5th, 2016

App Store screenshots are phenomenally important for your app’s organic growth. Given that over 60% of downloads are from users searching in the App Store, your screenshots are very much at the forefront of the conversion funnel. Aside from user ratings, once store browsers reach your app in the search results page, allure your screenshots’ design will decide whether they click through and download it or not. If your app supports both Landscape and Portrait mode, then choosing the right orientation for your store screenshots will matter as well.

Mobile App Naming Examples

Mobile App Naming Examples

Posted on April 13th, 2016

Shakespeare once inquired: “What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. When it comes to mobile apps, however, names matter a great deal. There are many factors that impact app store rankings and user installs - from how the app is indexed to which searches Apple and Google deam an app a relevant result, and then conversion of search result views into installs and users. An app's name impacts all of these factors and often serves as the anchor for the rest of an optimized app store listing. Looking at the top apps in the store, not only overall but by category or niche and a few trends for naming appear:

Choosing App Store Keywords

Choosing App Store Keywords

Posted on February 16th, 2016

Choosing app store keywords for an app’s store listings has at times been viewed as the holy grail of app store optimization. The thinking was that finding the magical combination of low competition, high traffic words would drive heaps of organic traffic to even the worst of mobile apps. While keywords are a big part of ASO, Gummicube considers the initial selection of keywords as much less important than the building of a complete acquisition funnel, and the ongoing optimization of target keywords and phrases as they support the funnel.

4 Steps for Better App Store Rankings

4 Steps for Better App Store Rankings

Posted on February 12th, 2016

A modern strategy of content marketing is investing in one great piece of content per week or month rather than posting daily articles targeting keywords. There is so much content being pushed on blogs and social media properties that to be discovered, read, shared, used - the content needs to be the best post for a given topic. For example, Gummicube saw that most app store optimization guides were either lacking, incomplete or inconsistent with what we were seeing in the app stores with our clients. We thought we could build the best ASO guide and did. This ASO Guide serves as a primary piece of “cornerstone content” for Gummicube and helps both introduce and educate clients and prospects. (For those wondering, this approach is called the SkyScraper technique among other names.) What does this have to do with apps? Well - the same is true in the app stores. There are millions of apps available for download, how does your app find its way to the top of an app store category or relevant search results (without buying installs)?

How to Get Users to Download Your App

How to Get Users to Download Your App

Posted on February 5th, 2016

Mobile user acquisition is critical for new apps - as new apps need enough data to see how users are using the app and optimize in-app items, loops, gamification elements and notifications. For established apps, acquiring users helps app store rankings which results in more downloads. From games to shopping apps and everything in between - we all want more users for our mobile apps. Here are five simple and cost-effective ways you can increase your app downloads:

5 Tips For Creating A Great Mobile App Name

5 Tips For Creating A Great Mobile App Name

Posted on January 29th, 2016

The App Store is the holy grail of mobile app user acquisition. Curated and exceedingly well-stocked, there are over 1.5 million apps and growing in both the Apple and Google Play app stores. Unfortunately, it is also a place where an app can easily be forgotten, especially when it attempts to muscle into a particularly difficult part of the market. If you want to chase your fortunes in the mobile app stores, or connect with more customers on the medium they increasingly prefer, every aspect of your application must be polished. The very first element of your app a potential user will see - whether when searching the stores or browsing - is the app name. A great application name must: - Avoid confusion - Stay on brand -

Localize App Keywords for Increased App Downloads

Localize App Keywords for Increased App Downloads

Posted on January 23rd, 2016

In 2015 China surpassed the US in the number of iPhones sold and in app downloads. Japan generated more revenue on Google Play than the US or the UK. For 2015, which of the below countries had more downloads on Google Play than the UK, Canada and Germany?: